Thursday, 8 December 2011

Thursday 8 December

Today in Class....

So, why do people come to class?  
Talk of this today.  
Interestingly, no one said, " to get slim."
Lots said that they loved the challenge of the method.  They loved the striving for perfection, for getting the exercises just right.  They loved getting that tiny bit better or stronger each week.
Of course, everyone eventually said how they really noticed after the first few weeks of coming to class twice a week that their figures seem to compress, their legs and bottom and torso noticeably slimmer and firmer...but after that they were hooked on the quest for perfection within the exercises and the mental and physical challenge of working so hard.  After a class they really know they have done something!
Amazing...we are all sadists!

Today's Exercise:

Inside Out

1. Stand sideways to the barre or the back of a chair, holding on with your outside arm (bring it across the front of your body). Both legs slack (knees slightly bent).
2. Lift your inside arm up over your head, arching to the outside, ballet style
3. Slide your outside leg away from you and lift off floor sideways, keeping toe pointed.  Floor-off, floor-off, floor-off ten times. This is a very small movement, a matter of two or three inched. Make sure you keep your hips square and do not let them slide towards the barre/chair or lift with your leg.  It is the tension between holding a correct position and lifting your leg that really works the muscles in your hips and legs and right the way up the waist/torso.
4. With your leg lifted in the 'off' position now do little, controlled bend-stretches, about ten. 
5. With your leg still lifted in the 'off' position, flex your foot (happy foot) and lift-lift-lift. 
6. Can you hear your muscles sing?!

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