Monday, 23 September 2013

When I feel strong I can do anything!

So I have the training, lots of experience and now I am busy figuring out how to start my own business.  Such a different type of work than I am used to!  There are so many great resources available now. I am so thankful for the internet...but why is it so hard to make a website look how you would like it to look? It has taken me two weeks and still it is not there.... but it will be ... I even splashed out on the dot com web address!  

I have also been designing publicity leaflets and writing articles for the local press.  It is such fun to harness so many different skills into the service of Lotte Berk - and a real challenge.  

Every day after school my boys come home and ask, "Did you have any students today?"  On the playground as I wait for my youngest to come out of school the other mums ask, "How many in class today?" It is not a big number...I'll be honest.  But I have students (!) and knowing how well these exercises work and how fun the classes are I trust that students will come.  

As I start to spread the word about Lotte Berk and my classes I have been thinking a lot about my responsibility towards women and girls.  I really do not want to be another person jumping on the bandwagon about how women's bodies should look.  I do not want any woman to feel like they are not good enough or that they need to change to be lovely, to be loved.  What I would like to share is that when we feel strong and when we look after our bodies we are more confident, more free and live a richer life because we are not limited by our bodies as much.  I love that Esther still has a spring in her step at 79 years old.  I love that I feel strong in myself.  When I feel strong I can do anything! 

I think that is what I like best about the classes.  They are for everyone.  It doesn't matter what size you are, Lotte Berk will strengthen your muscles.  Lotte Berk will lift your posture so you stand taller.  Lotte Berk will work every area of your body, like a tune up so that your muscles and joints, organs and skeleton are all protected and work as well as they can. I like that.  


  1. Hello! it is great you are back. Good to read your comments. Write a book or make a dvd with Esther so that finally we know what is the authentic Lotte Berk. I live in France and probably will never be able to attend your class, you know...

    1. Dear Christine,
      Thank you for your have inspired my blog post for today!
