Thursday, 24 November 2011

Thursday 24 November

Today in Class....

Such a cultured class;  As we were getting ready to do 'JCBs' at the barre, Donna leans over and says something.  'Sorry?'  Says Jean, not quite catching the words through Donna's lovely accent.  Donna repeats.  And again. " Ohhhhhh!"  at last the penny drops..."diggers!" Jean thought she kept saying 'Degas,' and couldn't figure out what exercise that was!!!!!

Lovely Rosa who is just finishing her training tells us that in Cambridge the method is lovingly nicknamed "Lotte Botty". I think it could catch on....

Esther started a little discussion about whether husbands/partners appreciate the benefits of all our hard work (toned, shapely, supple bodies).  Not many do it seems!  Although one student did say that her hubby called her firm and lifted bum her 'Glorious Esther Bum" (Gloria Estafan).  Wonderful! And she is 72!!!!!


    (please point your toes more than I have for this photo!)

Exercise for the Day:

Half a Banana

1. Lie on your side with the bottom leg gently curled on the ground, your upper leg curved and lifted about             4-6 inches above it, toes pointed.  Top of hip pushed forward provocatively.  Lower arm props torso up,   elbow bent.  Other hand can be on upper hip ensuring it stays forward.

      2. Push top leg back-back-back horizontally in a small, controlled movement, keeping its shape and holding rest of body in position. (About 10 times…feel the muscles in the thigh, bottom and hip working!)

      3. Back to original position and lift-lift-lift upper leg maintaining its shape. (at least 8 times)

      4. Now extend upper leg until straight, happy foot (foot flexed) and down-up, down-up, down-up. (8 repetitions)

     5. Repeat on other side

     6. Smile! 

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