Friday, 18 November 2011

Today in class...Thursday 17 November

Bums and hips - ohhh the pain!

Today in class we...
did tart's position,
felt the agony of our glutimus maximus 
and heard it singing!
hugged fat men and thin men and 
- keep those legs together -
did Esther's favourite finale,
remembered the good old days (before my time) 
in the studio at the old Mill 
with damp, dripping walls and no door on the loo
(there was a bead curtain but you had to whistle as you wee'd)
My muscles still ache from the last class
but so good to get through the pain...
Esther's whip helps.

Exercise for the day:

             Tart's Position

1. Sit beside a wall with one knee cap flat against it, leg bent (see picture above) and other leg bent in same direction, it's knee cap against first leg's toe (both toes pointed)
2. Push hips forward towards wall, hands holding onto barre, chest pushing at wall  and lift the foot of the outside leg, lift, lift lift ten times
3. Now, keeping position, lift entire outside leg from hip.  This is HARD. Now lift, lift, lift ten times.
4. Maintaining position with outside leg lifted and holding upper body still, push leg back back back with a controlled swinging motion, leg parallel to the floor.
5. Now repeat on other side

This exercise works the entire hip and buttock area and even up into your waist. The first few classes I could not even lift my leg off the floor but now I am so much stronger! It also uses the entire core as you counter-balance and work to maintain the position. A real treat! 

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